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An instance of SCP-2107.

Item #: SCP-2107

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-2107 are to be stored in a CNSI1 containment locker at Site 19. Any number of instances may be moved to a refrigerated CNSI unit in advance of experimental trials.

Mobile Containment Task Force Theta-61 ("Carbonation-Based Lifeforms") is responsible for coordinating routine screenings for new instances of SCP-2107 at retail venues which are considered probable locations for appearance. Newly discovered instances are to be acquired by conventional methods when possible. For larger quantities or in cases where a retailer's proprietor is deemed likely to become problematic, Acquisition Protocols 0014 ("Covert Theft"), 0015 ("Overt Theft"), and 0047 ("Impersonation of Federal Agency") may be utilized with authorization from staff with security clearance 3/2107 or higher. Individuals exposed to the anomalous properties of SCP-2107 are to be treated with Class A amnestics and remitted to the nearest civilian hospital for any medical care rendered necessary following exposure.

Description: SCP-2107 designates a soft drink brand known as "Diet Ghost™" which displays anomalous properties when imbibed.2 SCP-2107 has to date only been encountered packaged by the individual can. Within three to seven minutes of ingestion, subjects (classified SCP-2107-a) begin to experience paranormal activity that most often falls within the colloquial expectations of an individual being haunted by a ghost or other paranormal entity. The effect continues until an as of yet undetermined point in the breakdown of SCP-2107 within the subject's body, approximately one to three hours after ingestion.3 Research has confirmed that the intensity of the haunting effect (herein defined by the quantity of individual paranormal facets, the probability of physical harm, and the severity of said harm) is directly proportional to the quantity of SCP-2107 imbibed.

SCP-2107 cans are the traditional variety used for soft drinks, being uniform in design and non-anomalous in composition and behavior. The can features a light blue background with the "DIET GHOST™" logo prominently featured. The catchphrase "SCARE YOUR THIRST!" appears beneath the logo. Most instances also have a sticker on the can with the text "MADE WITH NATURAL GHOSTS!" printed on it; it is unclear if cans lacking this sticker were distributed this way or if the sticker was removed before acquisition. The cans bear no nutritional information. The liquid contents are non-anomalous in chemical composition and within normal parameters for a traditional diet soft drink.

Discovery: Initial discovery occurred on 05/13/2012 when seven cans of SCP-2107 were purchased by Foundation personnel at a local supermarket in ██████, ██ during a routine restocking of Site 19's recreational facilities. The partial remains of H██ T████, a Senior Maintenance Assistant at Site 19, were found inside the van requisitioned from Site 19's vehicle pool for the purposes of the trip. Two cans were open and empty of contents when recovered. J██ B███████, the Junior Maintenance Assistant who had been assigned with T████ for the restocking duty, had gone back into the supermarket after having forgotten to procure a copy of the receipt of purchase for Foundation records. According to B███████'s account T████ was alone for no longer than approximately five minutes.

A majority of discoveries have occurred in convenience stores, with acquisitions from supermarkets and restaurants accounting for nearly all additional cases.4 Employees of retail locations where instances have been discovered have professed no prior knowledge of the product's existence and records of inventory acquisition have shown no references to SCP-2107. SCP-2107 has now been recovered from retailers in 37 states and 2 Canadian provinces. Production and distribution of SCP-2107 is currently under investigation.

SCP-2107 Abridged Experiment Logs:

Addendum 12/27/2014: Area ██ personnel have encountered and acquired a previously undiscovered packaging variant. Fifteen cans were produced by a vending machine in Area ██'s cafeteria; when the machine was opened for further inspection no anomalous properties were discovered. These new instances of SCP-2107 feature changes to the design of the background, which now features white silhouettes of tombstones, cats, and cartoonish ghosts interspersed between iterations of the logo. Of note is the addition of new stickers to the can in the same font as the catchphrase text. These stickers include new promotional phrases, including "FROM THE MAKERS OF GHOST™!", "100% MORE SPOOKY!", "SCARE-TISFACTION GUARANTEED!", and "YOUR OLD FAVORITE IS BACK!". All instances of SCP-2107 from Area ██ are en route to Site 19 for containment and research trials to confirm whether their contents produce the same anomalous activity as previously recorded instances. The addition of vending machines to the list of provenance locations is under investigation, with revisions to Object Class and Special Containment Procedures awaiting approval.

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