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rating: +95+x
4/4764 LEVEL 4/4764
Item #: SCP-4764
Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned MTF
Provisional Site-4764 Dr. Jimmy Pursey N/A Nu-7 ("Hammer Down")

Object Note: This Object was formerly classified as Keter.

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-4764-1 is kept in Modified Containment Shelter #17-3200 at Site-4764. Once per day, an assigned researcher must enter the containment shelter and recite SCP-4764-1's unique key aloud.

SCP-4764-1's unique key consists of the lyrics to 'Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000' by American post-punk band Have a Nice Life. All researchers assigned to SCP-4764 are required to memorize this song upon assignment.

SCP-4764-2 cannot be reliably contained at this time but is effectively self-containing so long as SCP-4764-1 is contained.



SCP-4764 Event Poster

SCP-4764-1 is the designation assigned to a 15.6 m3 area surrounding an ongoing & temporally-locked event located in a field off of Tye Lane in Bramford, Ipswitch. As of now, Modified Containment Shelter #17-3200 has been built around it to both obscure it from outside observation and to act as a sound dampener.

This event, originally billed as "SLEDGE𐐒ACK", is a 38-minute concert put on by the British AWCY?-affiliated punk band "PEOPLES CHOICE" and it has been locked in a temporal loop since June 6, 2018.

While researchers have been unable to pass the boundary of the temporal zone, it is possible to observe and record the concert itself.

An investigation into the cause of this event, the importance of the vocal key, and how to effectively terminate this event is ongoing.



PoI-2282 performing in 2017

The Foundation became alerted to the potential inherent in this event due to several assets planted within GoI-0267 ("Are We Cool Yet?") independently filing reports warning of an imminent Breach-Of-Veil event.

The event was being advertised as an "OKKULT X-PERIENCE OF WYRLDENDING PORPORTIONS" (sic) and headlined the anartist punk band PEOPLES CHOICE. The band's front man Johan Streiborg2 had been previously listed as a "Threat Entity" by the Global Occult Coalition and had been on several GOC elimination lists for a wide variety of actions that resulted in numerous civilian casualties and property damage.3

According to the Foundation assets within AWCY?, Streiborg had been censured several times by AWCY? leadership for his aggressive behavior and reckless tactics. The proposal for this event, itself, had been rejected due to the unstable nature of the rituals involved and Streiborg's membership in the anartist group had been revoked.

Despite this revocation, Streiborg blatantly posted plans to move forward with the concert, stating many times that he had a fallback plan if the ritual became uncontrollable.

A copy of the PEOPLES CHOICE project proposal is included as reference.

Julio "Jules" Gonzales, a Class 3 Thaumaturgist and known associate of Streiborg's, was apprehended at the scene of the event. His mental capacity had been severely damaged by his attempt to stop the event from taking place, and it is believed that he was responsible for locking it in a temporal loop.

His on-scene interview was too incoherent to provide much useful data, though Foundation action specialists were able to deduce the basic nature of the event in question. Realizing the danger inherent in the performance itself, Lieutenant Major Brian Stokeworth of Mobile Task Force Omega-12 ("Achilles' Heels") attempted to break up the event by force.

Though this initially proved successful in disrupting the initial summoning of the SCP-4764-2 entity, it was insufficient to break the temporal loop put into place by Gonzales. Operational command decided to establish ballistic containment procedures until such a time as the key could be located by trial-and-error, or detainee Gonzales had recovered sufficiently to enact the closing ritual himself.

The following scrap of paper was found in detainee Gonzales' pocket at the time of apprehension. It is believed to have been written by Streiborg and given to Gonzales at some point before the concert began.

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