Byㅤ MetaphysicianMetaphysician
Published on 01 Oct 2022 16:49

rating: +305+x

What this is

A bunch of miscellaneous CSS 'improvements' that I, CroquemboucheCroquembouche, use on a bunch of pages because I think it makes them easier to deal with.

The changes this component makes are bunch of really trivial modifications to ease the writing experience and to make documenting components/themes a bit easier (which I do a lot). It doesn't change anything about the page visually for the reader — the changes are for the writer.

I wouldn't expect translations of articles that use this component to also use this component, unless the translator likes it and would want to use it anyway.

This component probably won't conflict with other components or themes, and even if it does, it probably won't matter too much.


On any wiki:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:croqstyle]]

This component is designed to be used on other components. When using on another component, be sure to add this inside the component's [[iftags]] block, so that users of your component are not forced into also using Croqstyle.

Related components

Other personal styling components (which change just a couple things):

Personal styling themes (which are visual overhauls):

CSS changes

Reasonably-sized footnotes

Stops footnotes from being a million miles wide, so that you can actually read them.

.hovertip { max-width: 400px; }

Monospace edit/code

Makes the edit textbox monospace, and also changes all monospace text to Fira Code, the obviously superior monospace font.

@import url(';700&display=swap');
:root { --mono-font: "Fira Code", Cousine, monospace; }
#edit-page-textarea, .code pre, .code p, .code, tt, .page-source { font-family: var(--mono-font); }
.code pre * { white-space: pre; }
.code *, .pre * { font-feature-settings: unset; }

Teletype backgrounds

Adds a light grey background to <tt> elements ({{text}}), so code snippets stand out more.

tt {
  background-color: var(--swatch-something-bhl-idk-will-fix-later, #f4f4f4);
  font-size: 85%;
  padding: 0.2em 0.4em;
  margin: 0;
  border-radius: 6px;

No more bigfaces

Stops big pictures from appearing when you hover over someone's avatar image, because they're stupid and really annoying and you can just click on them if you want to see the big version.

.avatar-hover { display: none !important; }

Breaky breaky

Any text inside a div with class nobreak has line-wrapping happen between every letter.

.nobreak { word-break: break-all; }

Code colours

Add my terminal's code colours as variables. Maybe I'll change this to a more common terminal theme like Monokai or something at some point, but for now it's just my personal theme, which is derived from Tomorrow Night Eighties.

Also, adding the .terminal class to a fake code block as [[div class="code terminal"]] gives it a sort of pseudo-terminal look with a dark background. Doesn't work with [[code]], because Wikidot inserts a bunch of syntax highlighting that you can't change yourself without a bunch of CSS. Use it for non-[[code]] code snippets only.

Quick tool to colourise a 'standard' Wikidot component usage example with the above vars: link

:root {
  --c-bg: #393939;
  --c-syntax: #e0e0e0;
  --c-comment: #999999;
  --c-error: #f2777a;
  --c-value: #f99157;
  --c-symbol: #ffcc66;
  --c-string: #99cc99;
  --c-operator: #66cccc;
  --c-builtin: #70a7df;
  --c-keyword: #cc99cc;
.terminal, .terminal > .code {
  color: var(--c-syntax);
  background: var(--c-bg);
  border: 0.4rem solid var(--c-comment);
  border-radius: 1rem;

Debug mode

Draw lines around anything inside .debug-mode. The colour of the lines is red but defers to CSS variable --debug-colour.

You can also add div.debug-info.over and div.debug-info.under inside an element to annotate the debug boxes — though you'll need to make sure to leave enough vertical space that the annotation doesn't overlap the thing above or below it.

…like this!

.debug-mode, .debug-mode *, .debug-mode *::before, .debug-mode *::after {
  outline: 1px solid var(--debug-colour, red);
  position: relative;
.debug-info {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  font-family: 'Fira Code', monospace;
  font-size: 1rem;
  white-space: nowrap;
.debug-info.over { top: -2.5rem; }
.debug-info.under { bottom: -2.5rem; }
.debug-info p { margin: 0; }

rating: +305+x

Item #: SCP-7027

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Containment Site-95 has been constructed near SCP-7027’s point of (terrestrial) origin. Due to the relative isolation of Site-95 and the passive nature of GOI-0184/SCP-7027-1, minimal security is required.

As of 2021, interacting with GOI-0184 is prohibited. Observation is to continue remotely as long as it does not disrupt the practices of GOI-0184. Refusal to comply with non-intervention will result in termination. Site-95 is to remain active to ensure the continued containment of SCP-7027-2. Research into SCP-7027-2 is to remain on hold for the foreseeable future.

Description: SCP-7027 designates an anomalous phenomena primarily harnessed as a process of physical transfiguration and psychological augmentation by members of a monastic order located in the Karakoram mountain range. Individuals infected by SCP-7027 are classified as SCP-7027-1. The anomaly initially manifests as a 15mm to 25mm diameter black circular dot on the center of an affected individual’s forehead. This mark superficially resembles a decorative bindi but is irremovable unless surgically excised soon after infection.

As SCP-7027 progresses, it will consume the face of its host, causing the front of the skull to sink and eventually collapse into an indeterminately deep void before slowly spreading to the rest of the body. Flesh blackened by SCP-7027 does not reflect light and will, over a period of time, develop holes and fissures that further disfigure SCP-7027-1 and, like the aperture that consumed much of the host’s head, displays physically impossible interior dimensions. Objects introduced to these voids are ultimately unrecoverable.


SCP-7027-1(44), after 16 years of infection.

SCP-7027 created cavities produce a continuous discharge, the emanation visibly behaving in a manner similar to a hot gas or plasma but appearing almost completely opaque, save for its outermost zone which bears a semi-translucent quality which blurs/distorts the space around it. All efforts to extract a sample have failed, leaving its chemical composition unknown (if chemical composition is in any way applicable to the anomaly). Despite its resistance to analysis, it has been discovered that the temperature around the fissures steadily decreases, closely approaching absolute zero as the SCP-7027-1 enters the final stage of infection, at which point they disintegrate before disappearing completely, leaving no trace of matter, including when the subject is held in a fully sterilized vacuum sealed containment unit. The progression of SCP-7027 violates the law of conservation of mass, with the subatomic particles composing SCP-7027-1 undergoing annihilation without the apparent introduction of their respective antiparticles.

The transformation occurs over decades and inevitably results in the destruction of vital organs, including the brain and heart. By this stage, SCP-7027-1 are clinically deceased, requiring neither sleep nor sustenance, but remain mobile and will continue to wander the monastery when not seated in meditation.

The Foundation has yet to uncover the exact source of SCP-7027 but physical symptoms of infection follow only after the monks have confined themselves within the walls of the monastery. These interiors are just large enough to allow for meditation and function as a form of sensory deprivation. The monks believe that, by immersing themselves in darkness, they allow their bodies to become its host.

There have been reports from personnel at Site-95 describing possible paranatural encounters but the ephemeral nature of these incidents renders them unconducive to repeat experimentation and classification. The following is a list of purported incidents:

  • Sightings of mobile humanoid shadows without apparent source
  • Higher frequency of night terrors and sleep paralysis
  • Sudden transitory cold-spots, even within the insulated and heated sections of Site-95
  • Higher than average radio interference in and around the monastery
  • The appearance (and rapid disappearance) of black stains throughout the monastery (though these may represent an unknown species of slime mold)
  • Long-term personnel displaying a steady decrease in feelings of self-worth during routine psychological examinations (without symptoms typically associated with depression), though this is possibly a mundane reaction to observing the practices and traditions of GOI-0184

The Foundation became aware of SCP-7027 in 1956, following reports of unusual disfigurements occurring among members of an isolated Buddhist sect in Tibet. Due to the singular nature of their philosophy, the sect and monastery had no formal name but the residents of neighboring villages commonly referred to them as "The Empty Ones" (lit. “Those who are Empty of Being”). Classified as GOI-0184, the order practices an extreme form of asceticism and forbids the use of personal names, depictions of the human form, or even the preservation of its own history. It is believed by members of GOI-0184 that enlightenment (bodhi “awakening”) can only be achieved through drastic humility. To do this, they must be purged of vanity and pride, with corporeal existence regarded as the “final arrogance” to be undone. Through SCP-7027, the monks believe they can permanently escape Samsara, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Despite their surface resemblance to other Buddhist sects, GOI-0184 bears many significant deviations. For example, the monks of GOI-0184 believe in Akriyavada1, a heretical doctrine which claims that moral acts have no consequences and therefore no influence on rebirth. Unlike most monastic traditions, GOI-0184 includes both men (gelong) and women (gelongma), many initiated as children. All are expected to practice the same level of asceticism, regardless of age, gender, or physical health. This life of austerity includes the renunciation of material possessions, avoidance of physical pleasures, and meager diets that leave members in a state of chronic starvation, though without many of the symptoms associated with severe inanition.

Members of GOI-0184 practice ritual self-mortification, believing that pain, humiliation, self-denial, and disfigurement aid in the destruction of ego. Prior to containment, methods of humiliation often involved visiting neighboring villages where the monks would remove their clothes, smear themselves in dirt and ash, and (non-verbally) beg or incite the locals into physically assaulting them. Despite frequent injury and infection, this behavior has never been observed to result in fatalities and the villagers regard their actions as part of a tradition beneficial to the monks, as opposed to violence committed out of sincere ire.

GOI-0184 does not actively recruit and instead receives initiates by anomalous means. Newly arrived members have refused to communicate, suggesting a priori knowledge of at least some of the order's tenets. As they are unwilling to divulge information, their reasons for joining are unknown. It is presently hypothesized that SCP-7027's influence extends beyond the monastery and is capable of compelling certain individuals to join through anomalous suggestion or possibly even direct control. The Foundation allows these supplicants within Site-95 as they provide a steady flow of SCP-7027-1 specimens for research, who willingly accept their permanent containment, and do not interfere with the work of personnel. Due to the region’s extreme terrain, it is possible that some of those called to the monastery do not survive the journey. As all members appear to be of Tibetan or Nepalese descent, it is likely that SCP-7027's reach is limited to the region or determined by a genetic component but it is also possible that these common elements are purely coincidental. The single exception to this pattern is SCP-7027-1(251), which will be further elaborated upon in the section detailing the incident of 09/12/1997.

The monks of GOI-0184 maintain a vow of silence, leaving only a single person to represent and speak for the sect. Rendered the de-facto leader of GOI-0184, this individual (classified as POI-539) refers to himself as a "Bodhisattva", whose position requires that he refrain from certain aspects of the faith in order to facilitate the path to nirvana for other monks (a practice not unheard of and which can be found in the Mahayana tradition of Buddhism). As a result, POI-539 has avoided infection by SCP-7027, though intends to seek a successor so that he might begin the process.

Ground-penetrating radar detected the presence of man-made objects beneath the monastery and its surrounding land. Initial discoveries include a number of large ash deposits containing traces of paper, birch bark and silk (most likely immolated manuscripts) and heavily damaged Buddhist statues and murals which have been carbon dated to the 14th century CE. Reconstructed statues were found to resemble the Buddha seated in a lotus position but as no fragments of the face were discovered, it is hypothesized that the statues were procured intact, ritually defaced to resemble SCP-7027-1, only to be shattered and buried some time later. Careful restoration of the murals would reveal depictions of robed figures (presumably monks) wreathed by an aura of black flames which undoubtedly represented SCP-7027.

Based on this evidence, it can be surmised that GOI-0184 had not always forbade artistic representation but adopted aniconism3, resulting in or preceding an iconoclastic episode between the 14th and 15th century CE.

On 04/17/1987, the GoI-0184 monastery was damaged by a natural landslide. As the section was rarely used, there were fortunately no fatalities. The disaster would reveal the presence of man-made structures beneath the monastery. Following an archaeological survey of the site, it was determined that the ruins were Epipalaeolithic and built not long after the arrival of modern humans to the region. Building material consisted of stone, bone, and clay, though the architecture itself displays a level of ingenuity uncommon among contemporaneous cultures.

The structure had been built at the mouth of a natural mountain cavern, which was discovered to contain a gallery of well-preserved parietal art, including a pair of murals. The first depicts a tall white humanoid with their left hand over their heart (where splashes of red pigment suggest injury) and their right hand extended with the palm facing up. Six ochre color humanoids prostrate themselves before the larger white figure. A black formless substance rises from the ground and enters the opened mouths of the smaller, presumably human figures. Despite its greater size, the white humanoid is not depicted as domineering, more likely a teacher or spiritual leader than a king or conqueror. What at first was mistaken for a tail turned out to be a crack in the wall but its appearance, along with the figure’s enlightened countenance and pose, has led one Tibetan specialist to make a comparison to Pha Trelgen Changchup Sempa4, the mythical monkey-ancestor of the Tibetan people.

The second mural displays a complex three-leveled scenario centered around a tree with deep roots. Viewed from the bottom-up, it depicts black serpents gnawing on the roots which have black veins, perhaps to represent poisoning, infection, or the spread of a curse. The taint rises through the roots, into the second level, where humanoids bite into the roots, removing the taint as someone would suck out venom; the humanoids have missing limbs, and bare numerous black spots - the practice of purifying the roots shown to not be without a cost. At the highest level, the tree is healthy and full of leaves, surviving thanks to the sacrifice of those below.

If the radiocarbon dating of this site is accurate, it is possible that individuals have been working to contain SCP-7027 for 20,000 years.

On 09/12/1997, Security Officer Łukasz Maciejewski entered the Site-95 infirmary at 0600 hours to request medication for what he believed at the time to be a sinus headache. Medical personnel immediately noticed a black spot on Maciejewski’s forehead and after a thorough physical examination, determined that the subject was infected by SCP-7027 and exhibiting the first visible symptom of SCP-7027-1 transformation. Maciejewski was classified as anomalous and received the SCP-7027-1(251) designation, becoming the first and, at present, only recorded case of an SCP-7027-1 to not be a member of GOI-0184. SCP-7027-1(251) willingly cooperated with its containment and observation, becoming a critical source of information due to being the solitary SCP-7027-1 to not be bound to GOI-0184’s vow of silence.

By early 1998, SCP-7027 had spread to SCP-7027-1(251)’s left eye and formed a vein that wrapped around the subject’s neck and connected to a newly formed black mark located at the cervical region of the spine. SCP-7027-1(251) will occasionally report headache before expelling dark smoke and sludge from his mouth, with both substances/forms evaporating too rapidly to allow analysis. Subject suffers frequent and violent tremors, causing the body to contort unnaturally and for the subject to walk with a stiff, shambling gait. As SCP-7027-1 belonging to GOI-0184 do not display similar reactions, it is possible that their teachings and practices, particularly meditation, ultimately allows them to better tolerate the effects of SCP-7027 infection.

Due to the research potential presented by SCP-7027-1(251), the request for merciful termination was denied. SCP-7027-1(251)’s transformation displayed significant deviation from other SCP-7027-1, warping the body in conjunction with its increasing number of void pits (each of which steadily grew in circumference at a rate of approximately 1.3 cm/year) and fusing the subject to the containment room floor. Prior to the cessation of brain activity, the subject developed symptoms of dementia and acute memory loss, though it is unknown if these were caused directly by SCP-7027 or were a natural response to SCP-7027 induced trauma. By the year 2000, SCP-7027-1(251) lost the ability to see but retained its mouth and right ear.

SCP-7027-1(251) would not regain consciousness until 14 days after the 12/23/2000 interview and was unaware of its last conversation, displaying increased memory loss and confusion. By late 2001 the subject’s lower body and left arm coalesced into a shapeless, hardened mound and its remaining epidermis developed a gray, cracked appearance.

SCP-7027-1(251’s) collapsed body spread across the containment chamber as its void apertures merged to create a single portal which was designated SCP-7027-2. Unlike other SCP-7027-1, SCP-7027-1(251) failed to fully annihilate, with its remaining husk forming a 3.2 m radius ring around the newly manifested anomaly and rendering SCP-7027-2 permanently fixed for the time being. SCP-7027-2’s interior displays properties identical to smaller SCP-7027 created void apertures. Due to SCP-7027-2’s size and apparent stability, unmanned exploration was deemed feasible.

SCP-7027-2’s interior environment is hazardous to organic life but exhibits conditions similar to the vacuum of space, though with abnormally low temperatures comparable to the Boomerang Nebula (LEDA 3074547)6. Despite these similarities, there is nothing else to suggest that SCP-7027-2 connects to outer-space as no stars have been observed from within. Though no conclusive evidence has been discovered, the most accepted hypothesis is that SCP-7027-2 leads to a dimension outside our own. There does exist a downward gravitational pull but its source has yet to be discovered.

Considering these factors, it was determined that the best method to survey SCP-7027-2’s interior would be through a remote probe designed for long-term space exploration. On 04/10/2002 at 09:00 hours, this probe was released into SCP-7027-2 from where it would record and transmit its findings to Site-95.

Site-95 did not receive any notable transmissions until 07/16/2020, more than 18 years after its delivery into SCP-7027. Collected data includes a number of images depicting gold-colored artificial structures which together appeared to form a sprawling metropolis. These images were captured approximately 46 hours earlier, over a 12 second period before all contact with the probe was lost, the device presumably destroyed upon impact.


Final image captured before termination of transmission.

Further research is pending.

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